
10 signs your friends are toxic for you

Every woman’s goal  in life is to have circle of friends that can stand by her through good and bad times. Whether you have a small circle or large circle of friends, you need people as you journey through life’s toughness.

These good friends balance you out, scold you when you misbehave,support you when you need it and cry with you when sadness comes. They also teach you new things and help you achieve all of your life’s dreams.

But even as women crave true friendship,there are friends who come to destroy what you have built. These people are so toxic and appear to be in competition with you all the time that you keep asking yourself how you have offended them.

They don’t hesitate to use your weakness against you. They are the ones who go around town telling others about your secrets,smiling when misfortunes befall you and even try to steal everything you have.

But there are signs you can look out for in your circle of friends to determine if they are toxic for you or not. Take heed of these 10 signs below.

1. They don’t support you

We all make terrible decisions sometimes, but that doesn’t mean your friends should stop supporting you through them — especially if you know it was wrong. Whether that means cheating on a partner, making a bad move at work, or bitching about one of your mutual friends, a real friend will support you and help you through it, not turn the other cheek.


2. They tease you about your insecurities

Every woman has insecurities and tend to make fun of them as a defense mechanism, but that does not give your friends the right to tease you about things you are not comfortable with. A joke is a joke; playing on your sensitive side is not.

3. They don’t admit when they are wrong

We can all be stubborn and sometimes struggle to admit we are wrong, but that doesn’t mean you should allow someone to put you down all the time — especially if they are obviously and morally in the wrong. Always be suspicious of someone who can’t apologize for their mistakes.

4. They are aggressively competitive

If your friends make you feel weirdly embarrassed about sharing your achievements, namely because they always try make you feel like you achieved little in comparison to them, they are toxic for you.

5. They tell people things about you that they shouldn’t

If you tell them something in confidence or share your secrets with them, only for them to tell their boyfriend because “they tell each other everything,” that is not okay. A friendship is just as special.

6. They bring drama into your life

They are the one that always cause beef at a birthday party, get too drunk on the night out, or accidentally-on-purpose end up matching with someone’s boyfriend. If there’s something causing tension in your friendship group, you can rest assured they are at the middle of it all.

7. They cancel plans with you last-minute

With no real rhyme or reason, they flake out on you at the last minute to make you feel inadequate or like they are more important than you. Sometimes this might be great, but most of the time? It’s not.

8. They don’t respect your house

Friends that treat your house like their own is fine, providing they contribute to the endless pieces of toast they eat and actually tidy up the mess they inevitably create. If not? Get rid of them.

9. They are rude about things you like

It’s normal to have different tastes from your friends and to like different things, but that doesn’t mean to say they can openly and actively write off the things you care about — especially considering they should be the ones with your best interests at heart.

10. They don’t make you happy anymore

Friends should be for fun times, having a laugh and emotional support — so if they are not offering any of those things, even if they once did — then it’s probably time to get rid and make some new friends.

A happy past doesn’t necessarily equal a great future, so don’t be afraid to wave good-bye if the negatives start to outweigh the positives.


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