
A woman who gets things done doesn’t see problems

A woman who gets things done doesn’t see problems, she sees opportunities.

A woman who has great insights sees each new experience as an opportunity to grow.

A woman who always sees the best in people can take the rough with the smooth.

A woman who is true to herself is a perfect balance of night and day.

A woman who supports other women is confident in her abilities and doesn’t need to bring other women down to feel so big.

A woman who walks in her truth is one who is at peace with the true essence of her soul.

She’s a Queen.

She falls and rises.


But she keeps going.

Until she becomes very great.

That is a woman in all her glory.

She’s not the type of woman you play games with.

If you want her, you need to be smarter than that.

She thrives on stability.

She doesn’t have the patience for insecure outbursts.

She feeds off positive energy.

She surrounds herself with her own truth.

She knows she’s imperfect, but she carries her flaws with class.

You won’t succeed trying to shame her with her mistakes.

She acknowledges them and improves on them.

She is her own woman.

She needs no validation from any man.

If you want her, you have to do things you have never done before.

If you are lucky enough to get her, you must stay consistent.

She will turn your weaknesses into strengths.

She will complement you in areas you are lacking.

Her love will make you move mountains.

But you have to earn her love and trust.

Because her integrity doesn’t allow just anyone to get close to the deepest place of her soul.

She’s aware that it’s not every man who deserves the love, respect and loyalty she has to offer.

And if you feel threatened by her, you have no business being in her life.

Just go for the kind of woman you want.

Because this woman described above is not for everyone.

She’s for that man who knows that relationships are partnerships not master servant unions.

This is because strong women are not simply born.

They are forged from the searing fire.

With each burn, they glow bright and white.

They are strengthened by adversity.

Passionate as the sun that refuses to cease shining, they come away with their heads held high and with an elegance that cannot be denied.

You can feel their fire burning. They don’t run away from challenges. They face them headlong.

A girl makes excuses, but a woman holds her inner testament as sacred.

She knows her strengths and weaknesses and promotes her strength.

She lightens her path with her own glow.

Strong women are not average.

They have been through hell but still see beauty around them.

They still feel beautiful within themselves.

Their heads are never bowed.

They take each moment with grace and elegance that is unique to them.

Enjoying life as they trudge on their journey to self discovery.

Strong women are not average, they are Queens.

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