3 Nigerian women who are testifying about MMM goodness
Recently, MMM seems to be the gospel being preached all over Nigeria. Men and women alike are jostling to get converts to boost their investment in the scheme. Husbands are lobbying their wives, wives are lobbying their friends, brothers are lobbying for the money of their relatives and even churches are promoting MMM as a way out the economic crunch biting Nigerians harder these days.

According to nigeria-mmm.net, ”MMM is not a bank, MMM does not collect your money, MMM is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. MMM is a community where people help each other. MMM gives you a technical platform which helps millions of participants worldwide to connect those who NEED help to those who are ready to PROVIDE help, for FREE. All transferred funds to another participant are your help given by your own good will to another one, absolutely gratis. If you are completely confident and certain in your actions and make your mind to participate, we kindly ask you to study carefully all warnings and instructions first. In cases of any matter regarding the topic, our online consultants are ready to help and answer all of your questions.”
MMM is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence.You don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property. There are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.
The only thing that MMM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.
When registering in the system, you get from $20 to $100 as a present.
But not everyone, only those who have contributed their own money as well. (Otherwise the System will be pulled apart. For bonuses. They will keep registering endlessly. :-))
1) $20 — if you have contributed from $50 to $499. Frozen for two weeks. If you take it out earlier — you will lose twenty.
2) $50 — if you have contributed from $500 to $2’999. Frozen for a month.
3) $100 — $3’000 and above. Also frozen for a month.
Once again about “freezing”. Bear in mind that if you take your money out earlier, you’ll lose registration bonus. Only the bonus! But the contribution with all the accrued interest will be paid.
Each participant is allowed to have only one account.
Referral bonus
You get 10% from all deposits of the participant you invited. Inviting new members into the Community is your additional contribution to its development. But nobody force the members of the Community to invite new participants.But at the same time, understanding that the MMM network can’t exist without development and participants’ encouragement in the form of referral bonuses motivate many people to take an active position.
Despite the fears about MMM being a wonder bank and might crash thereby causing people to lose money, many Nigerians are taking the risks because of the dividends. Even women are not left out of the MMM scheme. They are competing with their men on who would bring in more people and reap the greater rewards.
Below are five Nigerian women who have benefitted from MMM:
Ayinke Coker
This young lady started MMM in May 2016 after she was introduced by a friend. She has made approximately N500k. But, recently considering the news that the scheme might crash, she has limited the amount she gives in providing help and its out of the money she previously made from providing help. Even if it does crash, which Ayinke doesn’t believe or think will be soon, the loss will be bearable as she keeps supporting others with her profits.
Chukwuka Gift
She was introduced by a friend to MMM two months ago. She registered with N20, 000 and got N34,000 after a month. She’s smiling to the bank and has a means to take care of her kids without too much struggle.
Her strategy is not to re-invest all her money after providing help. She doesn’t leave the money. After she provides help and is matched to pay someone, she requests to get help too. That way, she fear about all the predictions of doom about MMM Nigeria.
Kachi Ifedi