
10 ways stress can affect women’s health

There are ways stress can affect women’s health. Women know how stress really sucks. It sucks up one’s desire to truly live. Stress sucks up one’s energy, the desire to enjoy the basic things of life as well as one’s libido.

Many people can attest to the fact that daily stress can mess with the mind so badly that it results in serious health issues. There are times when stressed individuals just lash out at their loved ones for no reason. This is a pointer of  the scary symptoms of stress.

According to, there are 10 ways stress affects women’s health.

Stressed Woman
It leaves you exhausted

Aside from the fact that your anxiety might be keeping you up at night, freaking out triggers your brain to release the hormone cortisol into your bloodstream. This helpful chemical quickens your heartbeat, gives your brain more oxygen, and releases extra energy to help your body deal with that stress. But frequent stress can cause your brain to limit the amount of cortisol it sends into your bloodstream, which can make you feel like you are dragging butt all day, every day.

It messes with your libido

It’s not a secret that when your mind is some place else, it can be hard to get in the mood to get busy. But that’s not the only way stress impacts what’s going down (or not) between the sheets.

Chronic stress can impact a woman’s production of estrogen which keeps their reproductive system in working order. When that happens, women could feel a dip in their sex drive.

It makes it hard for you to poop

Those knots in your stomach could me more than just an uneasy feeling. Chronic stress can impact the hormones released by your thyroid glands, which regulate your metabolism among other things. If these hormones get off track, it can lead to constipation.

It makes you break out

When  a woman is stressed, the level of sex hormones called adrogens in her body spikes, causing acne to flare up. In addition to zits on your face, stress can also show up on other parts of your skin in the form of rashes. That’s because anxiety wreaks havoc on your immune system, which can cause eczema.

It makes you forget things

Traumatic stress, meaning stress that occurs when you feel a threat to your life or a loved one’s life and feels like intense fear or helplessness. It seriously impacts your hipoocampus, the area of your brain where your memories are stored. This kind of stress causes the hippocampus to actually shrink, making it tough to remember facts, lists, the entirety of an event, or long gaps of time (from minutes to days).  Plus, damage from stress can make it hard to create new memories.

It makes you gain weight

The connection between reducing stress and losing weight could be that it helps cut back on stress-related binge eating. It has been discovered that women who were constantly stressed out metabolized fat and sugar differently than those who weren’t anxiety-ridden.

You could lose some hair

Just as a spike in androgens can cause your skin to break out, it can also cause your hair to shed more than usual, usually three to six months after a super stressful situation. The good news is that this unfortunate side effect should only be temporary, and a balanced diet can help the cells in your hair follicles heal back to normal.

It makes your back acheWhen a woman is stressed, her heart rate and blood pressure rises and her body pumps out hormones to help with her fight-or-flight response. This combination can cause her muscles to tighten up and amplify the aches she gets from sitting on a desk all day. You can combat stress-related back pain by standing up every hour and stretching.

It causes irregular periods

Acute and chronic stress can fundamentally alter the hormone balance of a woman’s body which can lead to missed, irregular or late period. Women who have stressful jobs are said to have shorter menstrual cycles compared to others who have less work stress.

It leads to insomnia

Many women know the feeling of turning and tossing at night. These women keep going over events that happened during the day at home and at work instead of resting and sleeping. Stress is a common cause of insomnia which in turn can lead to lack of concentration, irritability and lack of motivation for life.


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