
10 things women should bear in mind as they go through life

10 things women should bear in mind as they go through life

Women should bear 10 things in mind as they go through life. This is because life is not easy and a lot of things can discourage a woman from living her life to the full. When you talk to many women, you will find out that they are carrying a lot of burden that can easily weigh them down.

These women need to know that even though life is not a bed of Roses, there are deliberate steps they can take to make each day count. There are practical ways to deal with issues that come against them in their daily lives.


Women should bear these 10 points in mind for a good, happy and fulfilled life:


1. Your past cannot be changed, but you have the power to change your future. Don’t dwell so much on what has happened in the past that you lose sight of the beautiful future ahead of you.

2. Other people’s opinion shouldn’t bother you because they don’t define who you really are. Opinions are what they are, not your reality. Shake them off and go do exploits.

3. Everyone’s journey is different, stop competing with your fellow travellers. The only competition you need is competing with yourself. You must do better than you did yesterday.

4. Things get better with time no matter how bleak they may look now. It’s not easy to be in a difficult place but learn the lessons.


5. Happiness must come from within, no one can make you happy except yourself. Don’t wait for others to make you happy, stir up happiness from within you.

6. Watch your thoughts, they affect your mood, your behaviour and ultimately, your life. Give no room for negative thoughts.

7. Smile often. Smile when you don’t feel like it. Smiles are contagious. People smile back when you smile.

8. Don’t let the world change who you are. Be kind always. Don’t be hardened by your experiences.

9. It’s okay to let go and move on. Stop carrying dead weight around. Shed those excess negative feelings and look forward to your future.

10. Be yourself. That’s your power. Stop trying so hard to be like someone else. You will disrupt your life. Be real. You are special.

Don’t forget to enjoy life too. Have fun. Play. Sing. Dance. Celebrate the life you have. Things will get better.

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