
Woman, don’t be afraid to lose a man who is not grateful to have you

Woman, don’t be afraid to lose a man who is not grateful to have you.

You shouldn’t entertain a man who doesn’t thirst to be with you, and one who makes you fight other women just to keep him.

You deserve a man who knows that your soul is too strong and powerful to be half loved. You need a man who appreciates your efforts too.

When his actions contradict his words, then his words shouldn’t mean anything. Stop setting yourself up for heartaches and messy break ups.

The most important thing in a relationship is being yourself and not losing yourself while trying to hold on to someone else. It’s energy sapping.

Forget the lies society forces down your throat that men are bad, men are dogs, men lie, just manage anyone you see. Stop being selective. There are still good men who love and cherish their women.

Don’t be caught trying to please people who won’t live with the consequences of your decisions. Don’t jump into an unhealthy relationship because of societal pressures.


It’s your life, your decision and your future. Do what you are comfortable with. You don’t have to settle for less than you deserve. Remove yourself from the floor and place yourself where priced possessions are kept.

The man who truly loves and values you will locate you. He will move heaven and earth to love you, be with you and treat you like you deserve, a Queen. He won’t play games with your heart nor make you fight others for his love and attention.

But you need to play your part without regrets. You need to love and value yourself first before anyone else. If you don’t value yourself, he won’t value you too.


If you are capable of loving him enough to support his dreams, he shouldn’t bring you down when you try to build yours.

Relationships require efforts from both partners to make it work. Woman, it is not your duty alone to make your relationship work.


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