
Why is feminism reduced to cooking and cleaning in Nigeria?

Why is feminism reduced to cooking and cleaning in Nigeria?

Feminism is a controversial term in Nigeria. Once a woman comes out to say she’s a feminist, she’s labeled arrogant, proud, man hater and deceiver of other good women.

To the very religious ones, feminists won’t make good wives because they would be rubbing shoulders with their men. They are quick to quote the Bible to silence these women.

For those neck deep in patriarchy, they use culture and tradition to rubbish what feminism stands for. They claim that women are supposed to be under men and not have a voice or try to change the status quo.

Women who boldly stand for equity and fairness between both sexes in Nigeria is avoided by men and women alike. These women and men in some cases are attacked for what they believe in.

Twitter was set on fire recently when a Twitter user named Wasu called out feminists. She said that their feminism and gender equality will take them nowhere.

”Some of these tweets I read I swear your husbands will send you back in one week.”

In a series of tweets that follow, she advises women to cook, clean and take care of their men even when their men can do these things for themselves so that they can have a happy home.


But is feminism truly evil?

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Why is feminism in Nigeria reduced to cooking, cleaning and taking all manner of maltreatment?

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What is feminism?

According to Wikipedia, Feminism is a range of political, movements, ideologies and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women’s rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to promote bodily autonomy and integrity and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment and domestic violence.

Feminist theory, which emerged from feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women’s social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues concerning gender.

So back to Nigeria, is feminism a bad thing and why do many men and women reduce it to cooking and marriage?

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