Children need one responsible parent says Joy Isi Bewaji
Joy Isi Bewaji said children need one responsible parent not two dumb parents.
Her Facebook post read:
I teach my children on-the-go. It’s single parenting magic.
Children need ONE responsible parent. Just one. The idea of desperately searching for a man or woman to co-parent is quite the yawn.
Many couples are irresponsible. Two dumb heads coming together will not become smart just because they have kids.
I mean…if you are sincere, some of the dummies on your friend list, the ones who constantly spew nonsense, refusing to bring their ostrich head out of the sands of archaic norms, were raised by two parents, living together and making really dumb decisions – together.
Should we talk about Obama and the fact that he was raised by just one (grand) parent. Is it?
Not to knock your nuclear family ish… but I think going on and on about how children need father-and-mother to the detriment of their (parents) individual emotional/financial/spiritual/mental health is bull crap.
I function better alone. Period.
If at all I do that marriage thing again, it will not be for the sake of my kids. At all. It would be because I want constant sex and a travel partner, and someone who will make scrambled eggs while I toast bread. My children are out of that picture. Because what they need is ONE great parent; they have that already. We are good!

So to my point: I teach my kids on-the-go.
A few days ago, Whitney Houston’s “I’ll always love you” was playing on the radio as I drove my kids to lunch.
At that moment, I told them about the greatest musician of a time in history who got married to one Bobby Brown, got hooked on cocaine, and how she went downhill from then on.
They were quiet, pained, worried. And we started a conversation on self value, the wrong company, societal pressure and addictions. It got intense; questions were asked that we had to ask Google sef.
When the 14 year old girl was raped to death, I read the story to them. They wanted to know how rape could kill someone. We talked. They were sad, terribly so, but this is 2017 and kids needed to hear these things. Information Information is key.
We have talked about racism. We have discussed rap music. They know why I adore Rihanna. They know what I feel for Oprah. I have told them the story of where I was in my life when Obama was declared president of the United States of America. The tears I cried for that historical event. We have talked about Trump. We have talked about Diezani. I talk about Zuckerberg all the time.
Once we drove past a mob trying trying to settle a matter of theft – I think someone claimed someone stole his wallet, I said to my kids: “You should NEVER be part of a mob. When you see the numbers building, move to the other side”. This applies to daft cyber shenanigans. Some things should clearly be beneath you if are a child of this Joy woman.
These discussions happen the minute I see something in the news or listen to a song or an announcement.
It is parenting on-the-go. It’s easy discussions, fun conversations, sincere appraisals.
I want them to see themselves in every situation and be able to analyse situations they wouldn’t want to experience and vice versa.
We are growing, we are learning.
PS: After all my bragging, I cancelled boarding school for a new session. I thought I was ready emotionally but I’m not. I still want to them around. Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you are ready for it.
Parenting on the go.
This is inspirational. If all parents expose their children like this, then all children will grow better
Reading this again gives me renewed knowledge, mommy.
I am glad my baby. You make me proud.
This is great. I love mothers who are not ashamed to open up about things to their children. these children know more than they say, parents should create a free atmosphere for them to share their thoughts, fears and feeling. I love this post.