
It is better to be single than to be taken for granted in a bad marriage

It is better to be single than to be taken for granted in a bad marriage.

It is better to be single and happy than end up unhappy with a man that treats you like crap.

It is better to be single and fulfilled than to end up with a man who will rob you of your life’s dreams.

It is better to be single and alive than to be with a violent man who might cut short your life with beatings.

It is better to be single and live in peace than to get married and live in terror.

It is better to be single and sane than to be in a marriage that will cost you your sanity.

Don’t settle for just anyone you see because you are tired of waiting for that man who would love and treat you right.

It is better to be single than end up in a bad marriage

You must be with a man who will love everything about you without trying to bring you down.


You should completely redefine your idea of what love should be to you.

You must know that the kind of love you need shouldn’t be possessive, volatile or detrimental to your well being.

You need a selfless, gentle and consistent love that will empower you to pursue your passions.

You need a love that will balance and enrich your life.

You don’t need a man that will tear your life into pieces.

You don’t need a man that will reduce you to nothing.

You don’t need a man that will make your past better than your present or your future.

Bear in mind that the only person who can set the standard of your life is you.

What kind of standards have you set for your relationships?

Do you have standards at all or anything goes for you because time is going?

Don’t let society define your life for you.

Define your life by yourself and for yourself.

You are a Queen, live like one!

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