This is what happens when a woman refuses to be manipulated
Many men love to manipulate their women into staying with them after treating them like crap.
These men know how and when to manipulate their women especially when these women want to move on with their lives.
This woman’s story will make you laugh but the underlying issue is her tired of a man who loves to manipulate her.
Read her story:
Wife: Pastor wants to meet you after church service.
Husband: Okay.
They meet pastor after service and exchange pleasantries.
They get home, husband eats and disappears for hours.
Husband reappears at 11pm and begins questioning wife why pastor wants to meet him for discussion.
Husband : What did you tell pastor about me?
Wife: Nothing. He told me to tell you to meet him. That’s all.

Husband: Anyway, I will meet him and if you told him anything bad about me, this marriage is over.
Deafening silence.
Husband: Did you hear me? As a matter of fact, this marriage is over. I don’t want to meet with anybody to discuss my marital issues.
Wife: Why are you so afraid of meeting with him, did he mention anything about marriage to you earlier?
Husband: Both of you can go to hell. I will meet with him and if he says any nonsense about our marriage, I will stop going to church.
Husband: I am talking to you and you are ignoring me abi?
More silence.
Husband: This is not a marriage. It is over between us. I have suffered enough. My life is useless and meaningless because of you. You are the cause of my misfortune.
Husband: This is even an opportunity for me to expose you before pastor for being a bad woman and a whore.
More silence.
Husband: Continue ignoring me. I know you have a man you love and that’s why you are not bothered about our marriage. Other women would kneel and beg their husbands not to leave them but you have a heart of stone.
Same deafening silence.
Husband: What have I done that other men haven’t done? I know you will latch on to me cheating with different women because you won’t leave my phone alone. But I am not the worst man on earth. I take care of you and your children, what else do you want?
Wife remains silent.
Husband: Can’t you beg me not to leave you? Why are you so proud? I said this marriage is over and you are not saying anything. It means you never loved me.
Husband starts crying. Wife puts her earphones on and snores away.
When a woman is done, she’s done. This man is still learning work.
Written by Kate Halim.
I hate manipulations!
Thus is something that makes a partner ready to throw in the towel quicker than anything else.
It makes your decision to give up very firm.
You get all bored of the same stupid unintelligible blackmail and you detest such partner.
So many men and women do not know the dangers of being manipulative; pushing your partner to his/her last unaccomodating nerves.
It is even yucky coming from a man!
I can’t deal biko.
Babe, from the stories I have heard, many men are manipulative but they are often excused by society because of their gender.