
10 Nigerian women share secrets of their strong relationships

10 Nigerian women share secrets of their strong relationships

Strong relationships bring bliss, peace and laughter. Whether you have been together with your partner for six months or six years, being in a strong relationship require time, efforts and sacrifice to an extent. There are glaring signs present in strong, healthy relationships that women need to look out for.

10 women shared with Feminine Nigeria what makes their relationships strong, healthy and peaceful.

Beatrice: Making time for each other has strengthened our marriage

In a relationship of bliss, neither person is trying to appear busier than they are. If my phone is on me and my husband calls or sends a text, there is no waiting game to be implemented. I respond to him immediately. After eight years of marriage and three children, my husband and I are still excited to hear from one another and we are also transparent about that excitement. Making time for each other has strengthened our marriage. We enjoy bliss.

Jessica: Our relationship is solid because we talk more and share more

I have always loved expressing myself to the men I dated. I can’t stand a man who doesn’t communicate his feelings and thoughts. Communicating is very important in making relationships strong and healthy. How can a relationship be strong if neither partner talks about what’s going on? I have a healthy relationship with my boyfriend because we  know how to have open and honest conversations with each other, even when it may be difficult. We also talk to each other with respect. Our relationship is solid because we talk more and share more.I can’t trade my bliss for anything.

Sylvia: Our relationship is strong because friendship is the foundation

I share everything with my partner. I confide in him and feel like I can be my true self, similar to how you would be with my best friend. We have been dating for almost two years now and considering each other our best friend has made our relationship healthy. Our relationship is strong because friendship is the foundation of our relationship. If at any given moment we have nothing else to stand on, we have our friendship to carry us through life’s tough times.


Sanmi: Trusting each other has helped my relationship grow
Whenever my partner is out of town, working late for business or doing things that are important to him, there is a profound trust in his honesty and where he says he’s at. I trust my man with my life because he hasn’t given me any reasons to doubt his faithfulness. This is a sign that we know each other so well and believe in our closeness so much that we don’t need to question or worry about it. Trusting each other has helped my relationship grow. I have bliss.

Healthy relationships full of bliss

Chibugo: There’s lots of laughter in our relationship
There is lots of bliss and laughter in our relationship. The humor my husband and I enjoy is positive. We don’t do sarcasms or insults that are offensive even when we are fighting. We just love to laugh and play and it has helped our relationship get stronger. Laughter is good for the soul of any relationship.

Njideka: My husband and I are each other’s biggest fans
My husband and I are each other’s biggest fans. We cheer each other on whenever the need arises. He is my biggest cheerleader when it comes to rising in my career. I am his biggest cheerleader when it comes to his business ideas and ventures. He also trusts my judgments. The bliss this brings is beautiful.

Evelyn: We have our own separate lives and identities
My boyfriend and I have a strong sense of self and this has made our relationship stronger. It’s hard to have a healthy relationship when one partner doesn’t have his or her own interests, friends and hobbies because it can put too much pressure on the couple. We enjoy time apart and have our own friends.

Kemi: We do sweet things for each other for no reason
My boyfriend knows that I find it hard to keep my clothes arranged, so he does it for me without complaining. He does good deeds and random acts of kindness for me. I do things for him too without him asking. We do sweet things for each other for no reason. Our selfless actions are like a healing elixir for us because we want a long-term and passionate relationship. This is bliss.

 Linda: Our relationship is simple and friendly

My husband and I talk like good friends all the time. I don’t take him for granted and he doesn’t order me around like some Nigerian men do to their wives. We have a strong relationship because our relationship is both simple and friendly whenever we are together.

Michelle: Knowing that we are a team makes our relationship strong
I know I am in a healthy relationship because I know that no matter what life brings, my husband and I have each other. When facing any obstacle, we encourage each other. Knowing that we are a team makes our relationship strong. We share the good times as well as the bad times. We have weathered many storms together and the resolve to be a team has made our marriage stronger. It has made our marriage full of bliss.

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