
Any man who doesn’t want you to make your own money is an enemy of progress

Ladies, any man who doesn’t want you to make your own money is an enemy of progress.

It’s time we stop allowing these insecure men destroy women’s lives with their silly demands and mindset.

One thing I hate hearing from women is “my husband doesn’t want me to work.” I don’t know how someone who claims to love you and who you share bodily fluids and saliva with will deny you your right to earn your own money and you will be proud to say in public smiling like a sheep that just lost it’s front tooth.

See, let’s stop lying to ourselves. Any man that doesn’t want financial freedom for you is an enemy. He’s an enemy of progress. He’s an enemy you shouldn’t be sharing your bed and vagina with. He’s also an enemy of your future.

Any man who doesn’t want you to make your own money is an enemy of progress

So what if he drops dead right now, what happens to you and your children? Where will you start from? Who do you turn to? How do you take charge of your life and that of your children? You are not even sure you are his next of kin.

Women, be wise. Stop listening to these people who won’t lift a finger to help you when shit hits the roof. Take charge of your life, finances and all. You are your own person. You are a whole being, marriage or no marriage.

Women, open your eyes wide while dating. Don’t be carried away by wedding preparations and sex that you overlook some obvious red flags. Don’t allow your brain go on leave because of marriage proposal.

Stop thinking you can change a man after marriage. Don’t start fighting a fight you cannot win. Marriage doesn’t change a man. If he wants a housewife and you are a career minded person, show him the door on time. Don’t say you will finger his brain to change his mind after marriage.


Leave wicked men alone. They will destroy your life. A man who doesn’t want his wife to work and make her own money is an enemy of progress. He’s wicked and heartless. Does he expect her to beg him for money for everything she needs?

Such a man will continue demanding you change yourself to please him until you lose yourself. Women, be wise. Make your own money. It’s your power and defense against abuse.

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