
10 signs you have outgrown your partner

10 signs you have outgrown your partner

It is possible you have outgrown your partner even though you went into the relationship hoping it will last a lifetime. Some  people believe that their relationships will never end but things don’t work that way in reality. Men and women should learn to let go when things are no longer working out.

Relationships begin and they end. People fall in love and also fall out of love. It’s not every relationship that is built to last and sometimes the reason is because people don’t grow with their partners the way they had anticipated.

It is human nature to change and develop, and your personal growth won’t always match up with that of your partner and this can affect your relationship. This doesn’t mean you should stop developing yourself either. It means you may need someone who is at the same level with you to be happy in life.

1. If you feel ashamed to bring your partner around certain people in your life because of the way they talk or act, then it’s possible you have outgrown them. It can be sad to accept when you have outgrown your relationship since there isn’t a specific problem to blame it on. But even though it’s hard to accept that a relationship might be past its prime, you don’t have to blame yourself for it.

2. Another way to know that you have outgrown your partner is when you start asking yourself if you should stay with them or go. Your partner no longer excites you. You want to leave, but you are not sure if it’s just a phase. It can be so confusing!  If you have been with that guy for some time and you feel your relationship is not going anywhere or you don’t even feel like making the effort to revive it, then move on with your life but be honest with your partner. Don’t just ignore him and expect him to figure out that your relationship is over.

3. People change. Maybe when the two of you met, you both had the same goals for your lives. If one or both of you no longer want the same things and neither is willing to compromise, there is no reason to stay together. If you can’t agree on what you both want for your future, why punish yourselves by staying glued to each other? If your partner no longer wants the same things you want in two or three years time, that’s a deal breaker. Don’t let love fool your brain. Be strong enough to walk away. 

Signs you have outgrown your partner

4. Towards the end of your relationship, you may start feeling embarrassed whenever your partner would hang out with your friends. This is one of the ways to realize that you have outgrown the relationship and no longer find the way your partner acts endearing.

5. If your partner resents your success and tries to keep you down, then you have definitely outgrown the relationship. You both have different life trajectories and the gap will only grow and make the situation worse. If your man doesn’t want you to be successful, he is an enemy of progress, simple. There’s no sugarcoating it. Career and business success is not meant for men alone.


6. Outgrowing the hobbies you and your partner once enjoyed together could be a sign you are outgrowing the whole relationship. If your shared activities and interests are no longer enjoyable to you, but your partner still likes them, it’s possible you have matured and they haven’t. If you have nothing else that bonds you, it’s probably time to move on.

7. Every relationship involves compromise, but if values are too different, it may be time to end the relationship and move on. If you realize one of you wants to eventually get married, settle down, and have children, but the other doesn’t see that future for themselves at all, it’s unlikely you will be able to grow together.

8. You have outgrown your partner if you make plans without them in mind. Do you not see yourself with your partner in your five-year plan? Do you also not see them with you at lunch next week? If so, you might be planning a future without your significant other. If you intentionally or subconsciously don’t want your partner to participate in your plans, it may be time for you both to move on.

9. If you are constantly wondering what your life would be like with someone else, you might be done with the relationship. There’s nothing wrong with fantasizing about what life would be like with someone else but it becomes a problem when you are constantly choosing to daydream about a life with someone else when you are still in a relationship with your partner.

10. Arguing about trivial things could mean that you are trying to find an out in your relationship. Constantly fighting about small things may be a way to pick a fight about something deeper or that you might be feeling as though you want to leave or want them to leave you. In any case, if you no longer want to be with your partner, tell them so that both of you can move on with your lives peacefully.

There’s nothing wrong with realizing you and your partner aren’t the same people you were when your relationship started. Sometimes people will grow together, and at other times, they won’t and that’s okay. Women should learn to move on from relationships they have outgrown without drama.

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