
Ex boyfriends every woman should be thankful for

Women should be grateful for some ex boyfriends. I know it’s hard to imagine being grateful for your ex boyfriends especially the ones who hurt you badly but the reality is that your exes taught you some valuable lessons about life and relationships.

You didn’t develop a thick skin overnight when it comes to relationships without their help. This is because in order to know what you need in a partner, you had to first discover what you don’t need in a man as well as the things you cannot manage.

In order to learn what real love feels like, you had to experience what isn’t real love. Some of your ex boyfriends might have even taught you the kind of partner you should be when you eventually meet the right man.

Below are ex boyfriends every woman should be thankful for:

The ex who called you selfish

You may have given your all to this ex but he didn’t value it. You say what you wanted in the relationship but he claimed you were selfish for wanting to make your relationship fun.

This ex taught you the important lesson of compromising and sacrificing for a relationship. He taught you that, if you are going to keep someone around, youneed to make decisions based on what’s best for both of you.

The one who tried to change you


This ex tried to change you. He tried to put your unique light out. He was controlling and possessive. Nothing you did was ever right. You tried so hard to please him. You lost friends in the process.

You learned from this ex that if you cannot fully be yourself, without changing to please him, that you cannot be happy in a relationship. You learned the value in setting relationship boundaries and refusing to be who you are not because of a man.

Ex boyfriends women should be grateful

The ex who set your drama limits

This guy brought all the talks and drama. Everything was a big deal to him. He never let things go including a hug with a male friend, or a text that came in late at night.  He was exciting at first because he was so negatively passionate, eventually he became exhausting.

A man who brings drama into your relationship will give you attention, but he will also make your life miserable. You realized with this ex the value of loving yourself, and giving yourself attention, so that you don’t need turbulent and dramatic relationships just to feel wanted.

The ex who was a workaholic

When you talk about this ex then, some of your friends and family didn’t even believe he existed. He never made appearances at family parties or birthday parties. Your relationship existed within the tiny hours he could spare after work and between different meetings.

You found his ambition attractive at first but in the end, you realized that you wanted a life not career or business as a partner. You value balance, so he taught you to look out for that man who would spend quality time with you.

The ex who didn’t meet your needs

He didn’t initiate plans nor communicate his feelings enough, even though you tried so hard to get him to open up to you like a partner does. He didn’t make you feel like a priority. He would invite his friends to what was meant to be date night. He barely reached out and you felt taken for granted.

This ex taught you to speak up about your needs. He wasn’t capable of meeting them but he taught you not to feel insecure about stating what you need to be happy in a relationship. He taught you to become a better communicator of your needs.

The ex who was a chronic cheat

Even though he hurt you and shattered your heart to tiny, pieces, this ex taught you a lesson about relationships. He has his own merits in your life. Good came out from all the pain he caused you.  

The truth is that as you have been a victim of infidelity, you will recognize the sanctity of a relationship. You would never wish anyone to feel what they have felt.

The ex who strung you along

When you look back, you cannot believe how long you let yourself get carried away with this guy without defining your relationship. He would blow hot and cold and walk in and out of your life like he pleased. You didn’t feel you could say anything because technically you weren’t his girlfriend.

You met your limit of playing games with this ex. He made you feel needy and clingy for simply wanting to be loved. Today, you realize that a man who truly loves you will never make you feel that way, just for wanting a relationship.

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