Is this what it means to be a wise woman who builds her home?
Many people are quick to quote that a wise woman builds her home with her hands whenever there are marital issues involving abuse. They tell women to submit more to their abusers and continue praying for their husbands so that God can touch their hearts.
But the women I can’t stand are those who claim they are wise and building their homes when their husbands are sexually molesting their daughters. The wise women who watch their husbands destroy the innocence of their daughters especially underage ones make me very angry.
Read this story below and tell me that you don’t feel anger welling up inside of you because of this woman and her wise decision to remain with an abuser. What is wrong with some women?
“Depe and Demmy have been married for close to six years. Demmy has been molesting his two daughters aged 3 and 1 and a half years respectively.
Depe has seen this happen more than once and was threatened by her ‘horseband’ not to tell a soul. A close relative came to visit and noticed something was wrong while bathing the girls..She blew the whistle!
Demmy was apprehended and arrested. He was granted bail after his godfather stepped in. Wife was separated from him by her folks.
A little background info about Depe…
Depe is a medical doctor who has a masters in public health from Harvard. She graduated as one of the best in her class but is not allowed to work by her demi-god, Demmy. She no longer dresses well. Demmy refused to get her a help. He drives to everywhere in town or even to occasions while Depe takes keke everywhere carrying baby bags and her children everywhere.

Depe has lost all sense of self worth. Depending looks like a shadow of herself while Demmy glows more each passing day.
All family members gathered to interrogate her. “Depe, is this true? Since when has this been going on?”
She bursted into tears. “He threatened to kill me if I told anyone”
After a few weeks of separation. Depe keeps whining, whinging and crying everyday. “I want to go back to my love”
Depe is back in her horseband’s house.
Depe is a virtuous woman. A woman who loves God. Who understands that a wise woman builds her home. She knows men are scarce. She knows she has to fight for her home, for her man even at the expense of her children.
She knows her war is not with he husband but with the devil and it is on her knees she has to fight this devil.
May we not birth children like Depe, may we not know them. May we not be them. Amen.
Written by Tolulope Harry
If this is what it means to be a wise woman who builds her home with her hands, then I refuse to be this foolishly wise. If as a mother, you cannot protect your children from abuse, you are the worst kind of human being. You are not wise, you are an idiot of magnitude proportions.