There’s no love without security
There’s no love without security. You cannot claim someone loves you and you don’t feel secured. You cannot claim a man loves you and he can’t protect you from external attacks or defend you in your absence.
If a man’s love doesn’t make you feel secured and protected, what you have is not love. A man who loves you will always want the best for you. He will support you. He will support your dreams.
A man who loves you won’t see you as a competition. He won’t start feeling inferior when you start succeeding in your chosen field. Love without security is not love.
Esiri Ukueku-Uduaghan did justice to this topic. Read her inspiring post below:
“Dear ladies…
When it comes to romantic relationships, there is nothing as beautiful and reassuring as having a partner who is solidly in your corner, they’ll leave you in no doubt when the occasion calls for it.
As far as I’m concerned there is no love without security.

A love that leaves you all alone in the cold to fight your demons..How is that love?
Love as I understand and desire it, is such that defends and protects me and the relationship we share.
A love that looks out for your best interest even when you are not looking out for yourself.
One that anticipates your needs, because your love has come to know you so well..
One that holds your hands even before a mob casting stones at your face..
One that raises you up when you feel low.
One that sees you at your worst with all your imperfections, and wraps it’s arms around you, kisses you and says I love you, I accept you, I’m with you and we will be alright..
I repeat, when you have got a partner who stands solidly in your corner, that sense of security makes trust easy.
It encourages truth at all times, because you know their love harbours no judgement.
That love will speak up for you before your face and at your back.
There is absolutely nothing greater than a love that breeds security in a relationship. Absolutely nothing.
Herein lies the definition of a LIFE PARTNERSHIP…
A relationship that guarantees you a partner that says:
I’m in your corner;
You have got me for keeps;
Come rain or shine;
I will be here for you;
We will make it to the other side;
Scathed or not, we will heal each other
and keep forging on.
If you’ve experienced a love like this, you are blessed immeasurably and you can never love beneath this standard ever again.
In these past months, I’ve been schooled on this kind of love by the greatest teacher there is.
I’m grateful for my lessons.”
So ladies, if you are in a relationship and your partner doesn’t want you to be successful or to be better, you are actually dating or married to your enemy. Use your tongue and count your teeth. There’s no love without security.