Signs of abuse ladies shouldn’t ignore while dating
There are obvious signs of abuse young ladies shouldn’t ignore while dating. It is true that love covers a multitude of sins but love shouldn’t cover physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse.
Sometimes, these signs are glaring, at other times, they are subtle. Ladies shouldn’t mistake abuse and control for love. Love is not pain and disrespect.
If you notice two or more of the signs outlined below in your man, run as fast as your legs can carry you. Marriage won’t change him, it will escalate the intensity of his violent traits.
If he raises his voice at you during arguments, it’s a sign.
If he threatens to slap you one day, it’s a sign.

If he’s possessive; always getting mad at you for talking to male folks, it’s a sign.
If he accuses you of cheating, it’s a sign.
If he forcefully demands your social media passwords, it’s a sign.
If he doubts you when you tell him the truth, it’s a sign.
If he questions every male voice in the background during a call, it’s a sign.
If he asks you to refrain from something but doesn’t do same, it’s a sign..
If he demands you leave social media, it’s a sign.
If he snoops males who likes and comments on your posts and warns them, it’s a sign.
If he has issues with you earning more than him, it’s a sign.
If he has issues with you being an ambitious woman, it’s a sign.
If he has issues with you eating gizzard, it’s a sign.
The signs are inexhaustible.
Dear young woman in love. Don’t be blinded by feelings.
Guard your hearts with your head. Love but think. Love but be observant.
Dating isn’t just a time for fun, it’s a time to look out for deal breakers too.
Every abusive marriage has always reflected during dating/courting.
The signs will always show before the abuse gets intense. Don’t wish it away. It will not fizzle out.
When you see these red lights, it’s God telling you to leave. He will show you the signs so that you will take heed.
Don’t overlook the signs. Take them seriously. They are prophecies; they will happen in a more terrible way. Take heed, oh ye woman in love.
Take note of the signs. Take note of the many signs of abuse and flee.
Written by Solomon Buchi Bartholomew