
A broken engagement is better than a lifetime of misery

People should know that a broken engagement is better than a lifetime of misery in a miserable marriage. Recently, a young lady called off her wedding one week to the date and some people are calling her names for being heartless and inconsiderate.

The groom Marshal Bernard went on social media and put up a post about his cancelled wedding. He said it was due to irreconcilable differences. He didn’t say anything about what happened between him and his wife-to-be Gloria Patricks that made her change her mind about marrying him one week to their wedding.

People started calling her names. They called her a heartless woman who just wanted to disgrace a good man. Some called her a witch for making Henry spend so much time and money on their wedding preparations. They didn’t care about her feelings and why she did what she did.

Are people saying that a woman doesn’t have the right to change her mind? Are they saying that a woman doesn’t have the right to call off a wedding if she feels she can’t cope with her man’s negative behaviour anymore? Are people saying a woman must condemn herself to a lifetime of misery because she must please society?

Most engaged couples experience some level of nervousness and last-minute questioning about whether or not it’s right, whether or not he’s the one, whether or not you both have what it takes to be in it for the long haul. You can break an engagement instead of going ahead with a marriage that will leave you miserable and sad for a lifetime.

A broken marriage is better than lifetime of misery

Just because you have cold feet is not a good enough reason to call off the wedding but if you have been dealing with an abusive partner, one who is domineering and possessive or one who has hit you and you know you can’t live the rest of your life with that person, you have the right to call off the wedding.

You can call off your wedding when you don’t share the same values with the person you want to settle down with but you think he will come around once you are married. Maybe he wants to continue to impose his own will on you and command you to do things you are not comfortable with. You should run away on time.

Even when you want the same things, marriage is a rough road, fraught with the ups and downs and curve balls that you are just not expecting. But if you are going into it thinking opposites attract, we will work it out, he will settle down once we are married, well, you are definitely in for more downs than ups.


You can call off your wedding if you wanted to get married for the wrong reasons. You are better off cancelling the whole thing before you make the mistake of a life time. Getting ready to marry someone because of pressure from your family or friends is not a good decision.

Planning to get married to someone because they seem like a good catch but in your heart you know you are just not feeling it for him or her then it’s the wrong thing to do. If you are hoping you will grow to love the person, it might happen by a long shot. It is better to hold off.

You must not marry someone if you are not convinced within you that you both would live a good life. If you are afraid of the man you want to marry because of his explosive temper or abusive nature, marrying him is condemning yourself to a life time of pains, tears and unhappiness. No one deserves to live that way.

You can call off your wedding if your family is pressuring you to get married to that person. No matter how much your family loves you, if you know you cannot cope with your partner’s weaknesses when you eventually get married, marrying them would bring you misery in the long run.

You should ask yourself the tough question about just how much a priority you are giving this part of your life. Ask yourself who is going to live with this person for life and do the needful. Think about that. It’s your life. You owe it to yourself to do what’s best for you.

Marriage is not a joke. It is serious business and if you have doubts about the person you want to settle down with, you have the right to call of the engagement or the wedding. Engagement is not marriage. Marriage is different from dating and courtship.

I still maintain that a broken engagement is better than a broken marriage and lifetime of misery and sadness.


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