
The foolishness of trying to please husbands all the time

The foolishness of trying to please husbands all the time

Woman, it is pure foolishness trying to please your husband all the time. You can’t please a human being all the time. Have some dignity.

You have two girls. You have birth to them through Caesarean section.

The last delivery was complicated. You escaped death by the whiskers.

You are lucky to be alive. You love your girls to the moon and back.

You decided to rest for three years before trying for your third child.


Your husband wants a son.

He wants someone like him.


He wants someone to carry on the family name.

He tells you that your girls are on borrowed time because they will get married and leave.

The foolishness of trying to please husbands

He says that his mates have sons that will take over from them.

He insists that you must get pregnant soon or be ready to welcome a rival.

He says his family is pressuring him to get a second wife that will give him a son.

He gave you an ultimatum and says that if you don’t get pregnant in two months time and give birth to a boy, he will marry a second wife.


The owner of the body that goes through different changes during pregnancy…

The one who suffers morning sickness and experiences all manner of crazy cravings…

The one who feels the kicks of the baby inside you and the pains of labour…

The one who almost died a year earlier from giving birth to a beautiful baby girl…

You are now panicking.

You are running from pillar to post asking for how to get pregnant with a son.

You turn to strangers to tell you how to calculate your ovulation so that you can have a son.

You suddenly forgot about yourself, your health and your life.

You suddenly forgot the promise you made to yourself.

You haven’t stopped to think that if something happened to you trying to have a son, who will take care of your girls.

Woman, have some sense.

Put you first before any man or marriage. Tell him your body needs to rest so you won’t die.

Let him know that he is the one who determines the sex of your children and not you.

Your life matters. You shouldn’t die trying to please a man who won’t blink before replacing you. That’s gross foolishness.

Stop being reckless  when it comes to your life. Please yourse. Live for yourself. Live for your children.

Women, it is foolishness to please the whims of your husbands at the detriment of your health and life. Be wise!

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