Pastor Dave Ogbole accused of sexual abuse after declaring support for Pastor Fatoyinbo
Pastor Dave Ogbole has landed in trouble after he put up a solidarity post about Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo.
In a Facebook post, Dave Ogbole hinted on not leaving a comrade alone in a battle over correctness.
But the man of God got more than he bargained for when a lady came under the post to disclose his own case of sexual assault against her.
Pastor Dave Ogboye wrote:
My loyalty is stronger than correctness.
I run to the battle, right or wrong, we never leave a comrade alone in battle.
It is one for all, all for one.
I stand with Biodun Fatoyinbo,
I am Biodun Fatoyinbo.

But a lady, Nguter Uja responded with this comment:
Dave Ogbole, REALLY?
Do you want me to tell the world how you touched my breasts in my father’s house?
Or should I tell them of how you said I was sexy, and that I had sexy eyes.
The countless times you came into Abuja and invited me to sleep over in your hotel.
Do you forget you told me you love me?
Are you aware my whole family knows you for the pervert that you are? I reported you to my father, who is supposed to be your ‘father in the Lord’.
Less than a month ago I ran into you at my sister’s wedding, you planted a wet kiss on my cheek with your hand around my waist. IN PUBLIC!
You called me immediately I got back to Abuja, telling me you missed seeing my beautiful face and that I was looking very sexy.
I have held back all these years because I wanted to forgive you. And I do. But I will expose you for the fraud and predator that you are.
Wanter Tor-UjaTor-Uja Nguuma Abel Gbuusu Ushakumator Tor Uja you guys knew when this man made several advances towards me. I told mummy too.
Nigerians are having a field day tearing the supporter pastor to shreds. Things are getting interesting. No hiding place for sexual predators.
Pastor Dave Ogbole, you should have kept quiet instead of showing support for an alleged rapist and sexual predator.
I guess the saying that birds of a feather flock together is correct afterall.