
Young lady, a husband is not an option for unemployment

Young lady, a husband is not an option for your unemployment. Get a job. Start a business or learn a skill that will help you make money.

Marriage is not a poverty alleviation programme. You don’t become a liability to a man in a relationship so he doesn’t start disrespecting you.

As a woman, being independent protects you from tolerating abuse because you are capable of standing on your own financially.

Someone wrote this post and I agree with her:

In Africa…

Women who have never learnt how to live alone…
Provide for themselves
Be self sufficient
Pay one kobo for anything from their pocket
Go into marriage straight from their father’s house.

A husband is not an option for your unemployment

It is a thing of pride, but very soon we would begin to see the consequences of this playing out.
It is already playing out sef

This is why.
Women stay in marriages they are constantly abused because they have never lived on their own and survived. Their husband is the pillar of their lives


As a lady, living alone doesn’t make you irresponsible. It is preparing you for the future. It makes you responsible
When you pay 1 naira for bills from money you worked for, you will know how pleasing it is to be independent.

At least, have 500 naira to yourself.Even if you still live with your parents, at least take up some bills around the house. Pay for light bills. Buy water. Buy bread. Do something

You can’t be doing nothing in your father’s house and you are thinking of marriage. No, that’s a mistake. You should be thinking of how to become independent, and how to be your own person.

You shouldn’t carry that burden to someone else because of marriage. Nobody deserves that. You I don find work tire, I no see, as I see husband, I marry.

A husband is not an option for your unemployment status, a job, handwork or skill should be your desire and goal.

If we want to win any war, we start with the little battles.

Written by Iyoyojie Adesua

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  • Vivian

    Good one. Women need to make money for themselves instead of waiting for men to pay all their bills.