
10 Ways Women Are Expected To Show They Are Virtuous Wives

10 Ways Women Are Expected To Show They Are Virtuous Wives

Being a virtuous woman in Nigeria means you must follow some rules and regulations even if it doesn’t make sense to you.

Being a virtuous woman in this part of the world means condoning bad behaviour from men. As a woman, you must not demand to be treated with respect because only men deserve respect. Lol.

Listed below are 10 tips Nigerian women must follow to be called virtuous women according to some men and women on Facebook:

1. Don’t fart in the presence of your husband. That’s disrespectful. If you must fart, excuse yourself and go do it somewhere else.

2. Don’t drink beer, especially Heineken in the presence of your husband. He’s your head. What will he think of a woman who uses her teeth to open Heineken bottle?

3. Don’t eat gizzard no matter how civilized you are. You are still beneath a man. If your husband is not around, keep the gizzard for him or give it to a man in the house.

4. Don’t keep single friends after you get married. Many of them are not happy you left them in the singles market. They might plot to snatch your husband.

5. Don’t employ beautiful house helps or cleaners. You know men don’t have self control and they are moved by what they see. Keep even your daughters away from your husband.


6. Don’t deny your husband sex even if you are dying. Make sure you wake up by 4 am and serve him morning dose so that young girls won’t snatch him. Sex is like food to men.

7. Don’t deny your husband food no matter how angry you are. Another woman might steal him if he starts eating her food. You know the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

8. Don’t argue with your husband’s friends in his presence. You are a woman and you should always agree with his friends for peace to reign.

9. Don’t talk about your marital problems with your parents or siblings. They won’t respect your husband if you keep letting them know of his weaknesses. Protect your crown.

10. Don’t disobey your husband. If he says you shouldn’t visit your parents, sit your ass down in your matrimonial home. He did you a favor by taking you away from your father’s house or do you want to return there permanently?

These people are funny. They tell women not to listen to Facebook feminists who are misleading women with their satanic posts.

They claim that many women who are speaking out against the subjugation of women are taking shit in their own homes yet they want other women to destroy their marriages.

One man said: “Women, be wise. A wise woman builds her home with her blood, sweat, tears, pains, and endurance while a foolish one loses her home because she opens Heineken bottle with her teeth.”

MarriageMenVirtuous WivesWomen
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