
Why some women remain in toxic relationships

It is sad that some women choose to remain in toxic relationships because of the fear of being alone.

Others stay put with men who abuse, insult, hurt and beat them because they have spent many years with these guys and are scared of starting their lives over again.

Some women end up in toxic relationships in the first place because they don’t set boundaries and stand up for themselves early on in the relationship.

They allow the men they date and marry get away with disrespecting and abusing them because they want to do everything to make their relationships work.

Why some women remain in toxic relationships

These women forget that they are humans first and deserve the same love and devotion they freely give to men who don’t deserve them.

These women let disrespect slide because they are afraid of losing their companions. They let the beatings continue because they have invested a lot in the relationship.

They let the insults and name calling continue because they are afraid of starting over. They tell you that there’s no perfect men out there and the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know. Sighs.

Nigerian women, stop tolerating abuse. Stop killing yourselves slowly by choosing to remain in toxic relationships. Stop damaging your self worth and esteem. Stop making excuses for tolerating to be treated like trash. You deserve to be loved and valued.


How long will you allow that man to disrespect and neglect you? How long will you continue to cry over a man who should be in your past? How long will you take the abuse? When will it end?

At some point in your life, you have to develop healthy barriers for how you are going to be treated and stick to them.

You are responsible for your life. You are responsible for your experience. You are responsible for what you tolerate. You are responsible for your peace. Take your responsibilities seriously and live a better life.


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