Feminists are people trying to hide their insecurities with a cry for solidarity
Jane Michael Ekanem said feminists should stop confusing young people.
Below is what she said about feminists in her Instagram post:
“I see feminists as a bunch of people who are trying to mask their insecurities with a cry for solidarity.
No one was ever in the contest of your strength, wisdom, abilities, etc.
If you allowed the world gamble with you, face it solely and stop trying to confuse these young ones.
Do not say you are a feminist in public and still go back behind closed doors and be a slave for perhaps, your security guard.
Love, forgive and love again.”
Can someone please explain what this lady is trying to say?
I don’t understand what she means by love, forgive and love again.

Is feminism now limited to relationships or what?
It is clear she doesn’t understand what feminism is.
Feminism is the reason she’s on Instagram in the first place.
Feminism is the reason she was educated and can write in English language.
Feminism is the reason she can vote during elections.
Feminism is the reason she’s not slaving away in one’s kitchen from morning till night as a wife.
A feminist is one who believes in the equal rights of men and women. This is what feminism means in simple terms.
How people now limit feminism to angry, hurt and bitter women leaves me astonished.
Once you believe that men and women should be treated equally and have the same rights in this world, you are a feminist.
It’s okay if you don’t want the tag but stop spreading falsehood all in a bid to sound woke.
Patriarchy doesn’t care about you if you are a woman in this part of the world. Patriarchy will come for you sooner or later.
You will find yourself in situations where you will be treated less and denied something you worked hard for because of your gender.
This is what feminism seeks to address and correct in this society.
Feminists are people who believe that a woman shouldn’t be denied the right to education, work and pleasures because of her gender.
Feminists are men and women fighting to stop female genital mutilation.
Feminists are men and women focused on eradicating the notion that the education of the girl child is a waste because all her education will end in a man’s kitchen.
People should educate themselves on simple terms before coming out in public to display their ignorance.