
It is important for Nigerian women to learn the art of moving on

It is important for Nigerian women to learn the art of moving on

One thing Nigerian women should learn aside getting educated, learning how to cook different dishes and how to be home makers is the art of moving on.

If a relationship is not working, let it go. If a man shows you through his words and actions that he no longer wants to be in your life, don’t force it. Let him go.

I have spoken to different women at different times who told me that they are afraid of starting over even when it was clear that their men have left them.

I know a woman whose husband would bring teenagers into their home and have sex with them whenever she’s not in town. This woman knows but she’s afraid of starting her life afresh without the man who is hurting her.

She told me one day that after being married for over ten years that she won’t leave her husband because he is a serial cheat. She said life without him would be hard.

I know another woman whose husband would strip and beat even before their children because she complained about his girlfriends but she said she will endure.

According to her, no woman will come and reap where she has sown with tears, blood and scars. She told me that nobody will look at her after four children and at almost 50 years.

Why women should learn the art of moving on

I pity these women. They have made their decisions and I respect that but I don’t understand why someone would be with a man who doesn’t want to be with them. It hurts.


What joy do they derive seeing these men flaunt their lovers in their faces, take these ladies out, pay for their vacations, have unprotected sex with them and still come back home to have sex with them?

Someone told me that if she was Mackenzie, wife of the Amazon boss who was cheated on, she won’t leave her marriage for a side chick. She said she would fight to finish to keep her marriage after 25 years.

I laughed. I laughed so hard she got angry. She said there was no point leaving a billionaire after being married to him for half a century. I told her that the Lord is her muscle.

I told her to go and read the messages Jeff Bezos sent to Lauren Sanchez carefully. The man is gone. He’s enamoured by Sanchez. His messages were loaded with passion. You don’t fight to keep such a man. You let him go.

At the root of all these talks of not leaving a marriage when it is clear that your partner no longer feels anything for you is fear. The fear of starting life afresh.

The fear of starting life all over again keeps many women trapped in unhappy, abusive and dead marriages. They prefer to endure the pain and humiliation than start all over again.

It’s sad. Women, you can do better. Learn the art of moving on when love is no longer being served.

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