
Woman, stop doing things you don’t like just to prove a point to others

Woman, stop doing things you don’t like just to prove a point to others. If you can’t stand it, don’t take it. Don’t confuse yourself by trying to fit in.

One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else.

Your life is yours. Your journey is yours. Your mistakes should be yours as well as your failures. You learn from them and move on.

If you keep living your life to please others, you will end up unhappy, angry and unfulfilled. No matter what you go through, just do you.

The world is not the same without you. So, live your own life. Don’t mask your life with other people’s expectations. It’s not worth it in the end.

You don’t have to do things you don’t like

Dear woman, take responsibility for your life and happiness.

You have to stop blaming that man for not loving you.

You have to stop blaming your parents for the kind of life you were born into.


You have to stop blaming your friends for not supporting your dreams.

You have to stop blaming that customer for not buying your goods.

You have to stop blaming other people for how badly they treat you.

You have to stop blaming your boss for not promoting you.

You have to stop blaming everyone for how your life turned out.

Take responsibility for your life and the kind of people you allow into your life.

You are the owner of your life, stop giving other people power over your life and decisions.

One thing I want Nigerian women to understand I that they cannot never win trying so hard to fit into the role this hypocritical society want them to play.

If you don’t live your life staying true to yourself, you will lose who you are. Stop doing things you don’t like just to make others accept you.

Don’t do that! You will lose.

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