
20 tips on how to live a respectable life

20 tips on how to live a respectable life

If you don’t respect yourself, people will disrespect you. If you don’t know how to talk and behave accordingly, you will become a play thing for some people.

You must respect yourself and lead by example so that other people can follow suit. It is how you present yourself that people will take you. If you do anyhow, you will be treated anyhow.

Here are 20 tips on how to respect yourself so that people can respect you too:

1. Stop looking for who is not looking for you. Know your place in people’s lives.

2 . Stop begging people to stay in your life or treat you right. Have some dignity.

3. Stop saying more than is necessary. Keep some things to yourself. You should be careful with your words.

4. When people disrespect you, confront them immediately. Let them know you won’t tolerate disrespect.


If you don’t respect yourself people won’t respect you

5. Don’t entertain gossips and tale bearers. They will tell your own story too one day.

6. Reduce how you visit some people, especially if they don’t visit you as well.

7. Invest in yourself. Read books. Go for courses. Go for trainings. Make yourself happy.

8. When your instincts tell you that something is wrong about someone, stay away from them.

9. Think before you talk. People value you when you are careful about what comes out of your mouth.

10. Always look your best. Dress the way you want to be addressed.

11. Be an achiever. Get busy with your goals. Don’t be distracted by drama and irrelevant stuff.

12. Respect your time. Spend time bettering yourself and enjoying things you love.

13. Don’t stay in a relationship where you don’t feel respected and valued. Walk away.

14. Learn to spend money on yourself. That’s how people will learn to spend on you.

15. Be scarce sometimes. You must not be available for everyone at all times. Learn to enjoy your own company.

16. Be a giver more than a receiver. Give but don’t allow people use you or turn you to their cash cow.

17. Don’t go to places you are not invited to. And when you are invited, don’t overstay your welcome.

18. Treat people exactly the way they deserve. Treat people with respect. Don’t look down on anyone, only God sits that high.

19. Except they owe you money, two call attempts is enough. If they value you they will call you back.

20. Be good at what you do. Be the best. Be creative on your job. Be innovative in your business. Learn new skills and stand out in your chosen field.

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  • Ebube

    Wow, thank you