Accept no one’s definition of your life, define yourself
Dear Nigerian woman, accept no one’s definition of your life. Define yourself. Know who you are and the things you want out of life and go for them.
Don’t allow other people impose their limiting beliefs on you. Don’t let anyone tell you that you should slow down because you are a woman. Don’t listen to such destiny destroyers.
You are a complete human being who deserves to have the good things of life. If you want to study and get to PhD level, do it and shut out distractions. You deserve to live your dreams.
If you want to be a successful businesswoman, go for it. Start something. Learn the rope of the business. Fail at it and learn from it. Learn from the people who have made it doing the same business.

Don’t let anyone tell you to stop chasing money because it will scare men sway from you. The success of a woman only chases away insecure and controlling men away from her because they know they can’t abuse her or control her.
If working in an office is what makes you feel alive, pursue your profession career. Stand out at your job. Go the extra mile and stay away from office gossips. Stay away from office romance too. Focus on getting to the top and being very successful. Don’t let anyone distract you or tell you I can’t be done.
The fact that you are a woman doesn’t make you inferior or least qualified to be successful. Wealth, riches, money and success are not gender selective. Do the things that will make you a rich and better woman. Your money is your power.
And stay away from fvck boys too. Don’t buy a man’s love with your money. It will end in tears. Leave trash for LAWMA. If a man wants you to fund his lifestyle through begging or obtaining by tricks, send him back to the evil forest where he came from.
Finally, be truthful to yourself. Don’t do things because other people are doing it. Be original. Stand out. Better yourself. Go for the things you want. Be shamelessly you. Live free! Define yourself!
Thank you