
10 quarantine habits that will become my lifestyle

I developed some healthy habits during the quarantine period that I hope to make my lifestyle when we finally defeat COVID-19.

Before the Coronavirus pandemic, there were some things I took for granted like waking up every morning and walking to the gym to work out with my buddies and exchanging friendly banter while sweating.

I took going to work for granted, going for lunch and sharing jokes with my colleagues. I also some of the small fights we have over different views about different issues, lol.

I took my going out anytime I wanted for granted. I took being able to go out with friends on a short notice and sharing drinks while eating good food.

Two of my close friends and I were even planning a hangout before the quarantine caught up with us. Now, we are just focused on getting out of this trying time safe, sound and alive. And we will.

I live in Lagos, Nigeria and even though the quarantine has been relaxed since last week, and I can’t wait for things to go back to normal, there are some habits I have picked up during the lockdown that I hope to continue with:

1. Creating more family time. This period has brought my family closer. We now talk more, play together and eat together.

2. Being grateful for everyday. This period has taught me to be grateful for life’s blessings that I took for granted.


3. Exercising more. I do this by using a fitness app, skipping and taking long walks. This helps me deal with the anxiety and uncertainty that characterized the lockdown. I have lost 3kg. I’m happy and hope to keep it up.

10 quarantine habits that will become my lifestyle


4. Being prudent about spending money. Ahhhhh, I am more prudent with my money. I make a scale of preference before buying anything and if it’s not that important, I don’t part with money.

5. Talking to my family and friends frequently. This makes me happy because work and Lagos traffic doesn’t give me the time to check up on my mom and siblings but I talk and chat better with them now. I hope to keep this up.

6. Counting my blessings. Yes, I am thankful for life, good health, sound mind, food on my table, clothes on my body, water to drink and cool my body, money to feed and pay my bills. It may not be much but I am grateful. I intend to make gratitude my lifestyle henceforth.

7. Appreciating health workers the more. I have come to respect and appreciate our doctors and nurses the more. If they are not passionate about their jobs, we would have been swallowed by COVID-19. Mass I’ve respect and thanks to them for saving lives.

8. Eating healthy foods. This period has helped me curb my bad eating habits. Maybe it’s the fear of getting fat and out of shape that drives me but I make sure I eat healthy foods during quarantine and I intend to continue when this is all over.

9. Separating my identity from my career. This is a big one. With some industries under threat and some people being sacked and having their salaries slashed, I have learned to separate myself from my career and focus on other ways to make money. Watch out for this business mogul in the next two years. Laughs.

10. Living life one day at a time. I believe this is the greatest good habit I developed at this time, the ability to take each day as it comes because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

I want to continue living my life consciously even after this pandemic with these positive habits that helped me sail through the quarantine period and kept me sane.

What habits did you develop at this time and how did they impact your life. Let me know in the comment section.

Stay safe. Use your face mask while in public and maintain social distancing. Don’t forget to wash your hands regularly with soap and use your hand sanitizer. Drink lots of water and build your immunity with a healthy diet. God help us!

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  • Ebube

    This is good