
Stop explaining yourself to people who don’t understand your journey

Stop explaining yourself to people who don’t understand your journey

Dear woman, stop explaining yourself to people who don’t understand your life’s journey. These people haven’t walked in your shoes.

Stop trying desperately to fit into the mould some people want for you. You will end up lost, confused and unfulfilled. Shut out distractions.

As you go through life, you must learn to stop wasting your time explaining yourself to people who don’t understand you because they are on a completely different path from you.

Stop explaining yourself to people who just want to know everything going on in your life so that they can gloat about how their lives are better than yours. Shut these people out!

It doesn’t make sense to keep running after people who think they are better than you because you are not moving at the same pace as them. You don’t need such negative energy.

No path is better than the other in life. We all evolve differently and in different directions. What makes one person strong can destroy the other person. Don’t judge your progress with that of others.

Stop explaining yourself to people who don’t understand your life’s journey

You must be true to yourself. You must be true to the world. You must be true to your dreams. You must be true to your soul. You are doing your best. Your sun will rise and soon too.

You must have the courage to be exactly who you are without apologies. You don’t have to be like everyone else to make it. You are special.


Don’t struggle to fit in when you can shine brightly standing in your truth. Don’t give in to the pressure of fitting in, you will lose your uniqueness that way. Be you!

Admit your mistakes without beating yourself up about your past. Release all shame. Release all guilt. Release dead relationships. Focus on living your best life.

Let go of your past. You cannot live a good life holding on to what was. Look ahead to what will be and take conscious steps and decisions to have a better tomorrow.

Focus on now. Focus on today. Focus on making money. Focus on living a better life. Focus on living life on your own terms. Focus on your life, emotions and business. Focus on YOU! Live free woman.

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  • Ebube

    thanks mommy