10 things you should know whenever you feel behind in life
Are you feeling behind in life? Do you feel like a failure compared to your mates? Do you feel you don’t have anything good to offer this world while it seems other people have everything together?
Do you feel lost, sad, confused and angry at the same time? Do you feel so behind in life that you are depressed? Calm down. You are not behind anyone. You are doing your best at life but your time hasn’t come yet. Don’t give up!
Here are 10 things you should know and do whenever you feel you are behind your mates in life:
1. You are not behind in life even if you think you are by comparing your journey to that of your friends and mates. There’s no timetable or schedule we all must follow in life. It’s all made up. It’s just you trying to dance to societal tunes.
2. Wherever you are right now is exactly where you need to be. This doesn’t mean you should stop striving to be better. It means, your time is not everybody’s time.
3. Every human being on earth can’t do everything in exactly the same scheduled order. We are all different with different goals, needs and desires. All of us can’t fit into the same space at the same time.

4. Some get jobs early. Some find their dream jobs late. Some become young millionaires. Others make their millions later. Some get married early. Others get married late. And some don’t even get married.
What is early? What is late? Compared with whom? Compared with what? Who set the time? Who is watching the clock? How do you know you are early or late? Why pressure yourself like that? We are all different and we all have different times and seasons of manifestation. Don’t forget this.
5. Stop rushing yourself. Your life is not on anyone’s schedule. Stop running helter shelter because you want to beat the time others set for you. Do things at your own pace. Follow your heart. Pursue your passion. Love your journey.
6. Stop beating yourself up for where you are right now. Your timing is different from that of your friends. This is your life. This is your journey. It’s your timeline, not anyone else’s and you are not off schedule.
7. You are not late. You are being prepared for the task ahead of you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are not behind in life. You are just living life on your own terms. Your time will come, don’t rush it.
8. Stay on course. Stay true to yourself. Don’t give in to societal pressure to cut corners so that you can arrive your destination with others. Don’t put yourself under unnecessary pressure.
9. Work hard and smart. Learn from others. Be happy for others when they win. You can’t be successful with a heart full of envy. Don’t crave other people’s lives, you don’t know the battles they are fighting behind closed doors.
10. Love your life. Trust the process. Your time will come. You are not behind. You are getting equipped and strengthened for the journey ahead. Be positive. Be expectant. Be loving. Be kind. Be you!
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