
What some Nigerian men believe women should do to keep their marriages

What some Nigerian men believe women should do to keep their marriages

I get messages from some Nigerian men all the time accusing me of influencing their wives negatively with my writings.

Some Nigerian men call me a bitter single woman who wants other women to end up like me. Others call me an agent of the devil who is against God ordained marriages.

I didn’t know that lies, disrespect, cheating and irresponsible behavior are part of the package for godly marriages in Nigeria. It’s funny how Nigerian men love to quote the Bible whenever they want to subjugate women.

Read this one from one angry Nigerian man:

“Kate, you don’t talk like a good woman. You are inciting our wives against us. Women who listen to you won’t make good wives.

Don’t you know good women build their homes no matter what their husbands do? That is the responsibility of women. They cover the weaknesses of their men.

Our mothers and grandmothers had long marriages because they endured a lot of things just to keep their homes. Now, you want to change that.

What we have these days are women rubbing shoulders with men. Women now want to become men. They want to be in power. They want to compete with men in everything. Women like you are evil.

What some Nigerian believe women should do to keep their marriages


God made women to be under men that’s why the Bible said women should be submissive to their husbands. It’s a shame that you don’t believe in biblical submission.

You are teaching women to go against the Bible. You are teaching women to disrespect men. You want women to be above men even when God made them helpers not leaders.”

This is the kind of nonsense messages I get every week from Nigerian men who are suffering from small penis syndrome. These men think being men gives them power to treat women anyhow.

They believe having a penis makes them superior to women and every woman must bow to their foolishness because they stand to pee. What does that even mean?

No wonder too many women are dying to keep these irresponsible buffoons by their sides. It is women who put up with these clowns who have nothing else to offer except penis and over bloated egos that I blame.

If you still believe that men are superior to women and women must always endure bad behaviour from irresponsible men, you are on a long thing. Wake up, it’s 2020. Who has time to be enduring crap from a grown baby?

Men and women are equal. Men were not created to lord it over women. Women are not inferior to men. This nonsense thing is what societal taught you. It’s a learned behavior. You can unlearn it.

So, if your woman refuses to be subjugated, victimized, whipped into fake submission and endure the modern day slavery you call marriage, it is not my fault. Go and upgrade.

Many of our mothers and grandmothers ended up with different illnesses and life long scars because they didn’t know better. We are not our mothers. We refuse to have the kind of marriages our mothers had.

If you can’t step up and be the kind of partner a woman who has a good head on her shoulder wants, swipe to the evil forest and let her see a good man who knows what it means to be a partner.

Stop whining like spoilt boys whose toys were taken away because you refuse to unlearn the shitty things society taught you about women and relationships.

Nigerian men need to unlearn many things if they want to enjoy better relationships with their women. They should stop quoting the Bible so much and start living exemplary lives. It’s that simple!

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