
10 reasons you should navigate difficult times and come out with greater strength

10 reasons you should navigate difficult times and come out with greater strength

Below are 10 reasons you should navigate difficult times and come out with greater strength and resolve.

1. I hope you find true meaning, contentment, and passion in your life. I hope you navigate the difficult times and come out with greater strength and resolve.

2. I hope you look your fears in the eye and laugh. I hope you don’t stop going after the things that make your heart leap with excitement and joy. I hope you don’t stop living.

3. I hope you find whatever balance you seek with your eyes wide open. And I hope that you truly have the ambition to lean in to your work, passion and career.

4. I hope you are tenacious and resilient not to give up when life slams you with curves, bends and thorns. I hope you don’t stop being in tune with your soul and innermost desires.

10 reasons you should navigate difficult times and come out with greater strength


5. I hope you grow, thrive and inspire others with how you deal with life’s challenges. I hope you don’t give up. I hope you remain true to yourself because the world needs you.

6. I hope you overcome the back stabbing and betrayals from people you opened your life and heart to. I hope you never become hardhearted because of their actions.


7. I hope you never get tired of picking yourself up even when you don’t feel like it. It’s not easy to remain positive sometimes but you have to do it.

8. I hope you always remember that refusing to get up when you fall is not the best thing to do. I hope you don’t go back to where you are coming from because better days are ahead.

9. I hope you don’t stop moving. I hope you don’t stop going in the direction of your dreams. I hope you don’t stop lighting up the world with your uniqueness.

10. You don’t know how many people are looking up to you. You just have to remain their source of strength as you pull through your unique challenges with courage.

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  • Ebube

    thank you mommy