
If she ends up a housewife, she has sacrificed everything for you

If she ends up a housewife, she has sacrificed everything for you

Mary Remmy Njoku said: Dear husbands, being a mum is just one of the dreams a girl has. And if she ends up a housewife, she has sacrificed EVERYTHING for you. And it is the most difficult job.

It’s easier to go out and make money than to be a full-time housewife. Trust me, I have done both.

Respect your housewife. E no easy to give up everything.

If your wife has given up her childhood dreams to sit at home and build you a home, so you can focus and chase your dreams. hmm, my brother, she deserves constant accolades. E no easy.

My take:

I see a lot of men hailing Mary Remmy Njoku for this post but these same men won’t give up their dreams to take care of their homes and children.

It is a pity that Nigerian women don’t get paid for domestic work because many men believe they do nothing but lazy about from morning till night at home.


This is not true. Housewives do a lot. They take care of the home, cook, clean, wash, run after their children all day, take care of their constant needs, take care of their health and safety and provide emotional and psychological support for their children.

How many men can do this? How many men can comfortably tell their wives to take days off so that they can take care of the home and the children? They believe it is the duty of the woman to take care of the children alone.

Personally, I won’t advise any Nigerian woman to be a full time housewife at this time and age. Nigerian men are unpredictable. Giving up your dream and money making venture just to keep a home is not a wise decision.

Mary Remmy Njoku may mean well with her post but Nigerian men don’t deserve this level of sacrifice. They won’t appreciate it.


ChildrenDreamGirlHomeHusbandMarriageMary Remmy NjokuMumSacrificewife
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