
Why you shouldn’t try so hard to impress people in life

If as an adult, you still need facebook posts to teach you that you don’t have to try so hard to impress people, you have a big problem.

One of the lessons my parents taught me as a child was to be content with who I am, how I look and what I have.

As a child, I was forbidden to compare myself with others. I dare not complain about someone having something that I didn’t have.

At that time, I felt they were being so hard on me but today, I am grateful for their guidance. It has helped me stay focused on what’s important and what’s not.

I am the last person to follow the crowd. I am so conscious of being my true self that when I see people tropping to one direction, I move in the opposite direction.

You cannot control me. You cannot impress me with material things. I am not moved by the pictures people splash on social media. Life is not that easy.

Don’t get me wrong, I admire successful men and women. I admire people who have paid their dues and are reaping the benefits of their hard work and resilience.


But I don’t get carried away by the noise all over social media these days. All the ‘God did it for me’ and ‘what a big God I serve’ means nothing to me.

What I am saying in essence is that as an adult, you should know that you are different from other people and your race is different from theirs.

Your journey is not the same as theirs. You don’t have to crave other people’s lives, you don’t know what they are battling with in secret.

You don’t have to tap into blessings you know nothing about. Face your life. Improve yourself. Work hard. Refuse to give up. Take advantage of opportunities that will improve your craft.

Be good at what you do. Work smart. Don’t take people for granted. Learn to say no and stick to your values. Be you. Just be you. Live your own life.

Don’t let social media fool you. People are not posting their failures. Don’t let other people’s edited highlights rush you into doing things that will soil your name.

Face your life. You are doing well. You are not a failure. You are doing your best at life. Stay focused on you. Shut out the noise.

Stop trying to impress people who don’t care about you, about your life, and your future. What will you gain if you impress people with a fake lifestyle and land in trouble?

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