Ladies, don’t put your life on hold for indecisive men
Dear woman, stop putting your life on hold for someone that broke your heart and has moved on. Waiting for him endlessly won’t bring him back.
Stop wasting away your life hoping that a man who is stringing you along will suddenly remember how amazing you are and learn to love you.
While this man has moved with his life, you stay still, waiting, pining and hoping that they will come around one day and rescue you out of the m.i.s.e.r.y. you have created for yourself. That will not happen.
Make your life worth living without that person who doesn’t know your worth so that even if they mistakenly come back, you won’t run back into their arms for them to hurt you more.
Live your life. Tomorrow is not promised. Learn new things. Go out alone or with friends. Exercise. Make your life fun. It is better to be alone than to be miserable in a relationship.
Love isn’t something that you can push aside and come back to some time in the future. It just doesn’t work that way. If you try to do that by saving yourself for this guy, then you really risk losing momentum.
That spark and attraction aren’t going to magically return when you are ready for them. This is why you shouldn’t wait around for a guy.
Waiting for someone is not a sign of strength or loyalty, it’s a sign of denial and ignoring what you already know to be true.
You will continue putting them on a pedestal they don’t even know they are on, you will continue investing your all on nothing.This is why you should never wait for someone who doesn’t want a relationship with you. Have some dignity and move on with your life.
How horrible is it to be around someone who isn’t sure that they want to be with you when you have your heart and mind so set on him?
It’s a blow to your self-esteem and all the patience and compassion in the world can’t disguise the gnawing sensation of feeling vaguely humiliated and definitely rejected.
Instead of fighting for his attention, trying to prove yourself, trying to win, the fact that he is indecisive about you should be a serious indicator that something is wrong.
You need to step back, get real, and be careful of projecting what you think, feel, and believe on to him because clearly, you are not on the same page.
Ladies, remember that when this continues for a long time, it isn’t that he hasn’t made a decision; it’s that he’s using his indecision to mask the fact that he has made a decision but he just doesn’t want to tell you.