
‘A man that can be snatched is not worth fighting for”- actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday

‘A man that can be snatched is not worth fighting for”- actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday

Actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday is of the opinion that any man who can be ”snatched” from his woman isn’t worth fighting for. She shared this thought on her Instastories.

Below are some comments on her post:

‘Every logical thinking person should know that any man or woman who can be snatched isn’t worth fighting for. Why fight for someone who wants to be with someone else? That’s stupid. And in the long run, you will end up miserable because you will literally have forced a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. So yeah, I agree with Nkechi this time around.’

‘You’re correct but in most circumstances the man wasn’t snatched, he just left on his own because he preferred one better. Though I’ll say some men don’t know what they want.’

This is a post I did on this issue five years ago:


Can a man be snatched or stolen?


Can a woman snatch or steal any man?

All we hear is ‘husband snatcher’, ‘strange woman’, ‘man thief.’

‘She stole him.’

‘She snatched him from another woman.’

Are these men inanimate objects to be stolen?

If a man with a wandering penis gets carried away with the warmness of a succulent vagina, was he snatched?

Did he forget he pledged his commitments to his partner or wife?

Why are women not being snatched like Gucci handbags in vogue?

Why do women go after the side chic instead of the men who took vows to be faithful to them?

To me, if a man decides to fall into a vagina and refuses to get up, it is his fault.

He wasn’t forced to remain latched to that warm place.

He wasn’t snatched, he allowed himself to be carried away by lust.

No unwilling man can be snatched by any woman.

He just refuses to leave the new vagina.

And he follows the side chic willingly.

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