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A strong woman never stays down no matter how difficult life gets


Dear woman, you are not weak. You are not a failure. Whenever you are faced with challenges, remind yourself how strong you are.

Life has dealt you many blows but you are still standing. You have dealt with many things on your own yet you didn’t break.

You have cried yourself to sleep. You have felt alone. You have been betrayed. You have had doors shut in your face, but you didn’t give up.

You have had people talk badly about you but you shook it off. You have had things go bad even when it seemed you were getting it right but you didn’t stay down for long.



You have picked yourself back up like a warrior that you are. You have wiped your tears. You have grown from things meant to break you.


But you are not broken. You are pressed but not crushed. You have been beaten by life’s storms but you have remained stronger than before.

You are a survivor. You get stronger everyday because you are an over comer. You remain standing with your head held high because you are a Queen.

Queen, keep your head up. You are doing well at life. Remain standing, free and alive. Keep your crown on. You will tell your story of triumph and victory.



A strong woman knows what makes her happy. She shares her happiness with everyone, but is quick to protect it from those who chose to do it wrong or try to uproot it.

A strong woman makes decisions that cultivate the life that makes her happy with courage, dedication, and perseverance.

A strong woman has an open heart, she is sensitive and empathetic, but if someone is harsh to her, she stands up for herself and set the clear boundaries.

She is able to re-bound the attack with the same energy. She is not pretending to be spiritual letting her passive approach to hurt her inside.


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