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10 interesting traits of people born in November


People born in November have an interesting personality. These people are hardworking and faithful. They are ambitious and determined.

Some say that November is an especially auspicious month to have a birthday. This could be because November has six of the rarest birthdays on the calendar or because it’s a month stuffed so full of gratitude.

No matter what path a November baby chooses, they are likely to lead a happy life. According to research, babies born during the fall, especially those born in November, have the lowest rates of clinical depression.


Below are 10 interesting facts about November born babies:

1. They are very intelligent

People born in November are very intellectual. They learn fast and easy. They communicate with others well. They are smart and can find their way out of any situation.

2. They are positive and determined

November borns are positive and determined people. They do not back down easily. They are bent on doing what they intend to do. Challenges and difficulties push them to do more because they are positive always. They are very optimistic.


3. They are patient and tolerant

November borns are patient. They exercise this trait when dealing with other people. They are tolerant. They sure know how to deal with relations, friends and colleagues without losing their cool.


4. They are hardworking and industrious

November babies are hardworking. They are not the type to lazy around. They strive to provide everything they need. They are industrious. They enjoy their work and do not complain when given tasks to do.

5. They are curious and intuitive

People born in November are curious souls. They seek more knowledge everyday. They use their brains to get the most out of everything. They learn and they do as their mind directs them. They want to be aware of new and latest information.

6. They are fearless and self-reliant

November borns are very bold. They are not afraid to confront or question anybody. They are fearless. They can summon courage to chase their dreams. They don’t chicken out when everyone else does. They are risk takers. They prefer to be self-reliant.

7. They are intellectual beings

November born folks are intellectual beings. They think about everything. Once faced with a difficult issue, they go into isolation and draw solutions from their well of wisdom. They are cherished for coming up with ideas regularly.

8. They are blessed with inner and outer beauty

People born in November are beautiful people. They are pretty inside and out. Their looks are exquisite. They can dress up pretty good. Their character is also amazing.

9. They are faithful beings

People born in November are faithful. They do not cheat or lie about anything important. They are trusted by their bosses. They are not traitors who turn away from their those they care for. They are faithful friends. They build trust with everyone.

10. They are active and dynamic

Individuals born in November tend to be very active. They can do more physical tasks. They do not break down easily. They are always willing to take on new duties. They are dynamic in everything they do. They are not afraid to go to new places or reside in a new environment.

Those born from the beginning of the month through November 21 are classified as the passionate Scorpio. Everyone else (born November 22 to the end of the month) are Sagittarius, and they’re generous souls with a sense of humor. Both zodiac signs share a strength in character.


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