
From “God when” to “God forbid” – Woman who flaunted her boyfriend’s love for her and hailed him as the best shows injury he inflicted on her

From “God when” to “God forbid” – Woman who flaunted her boyfriend’s love for her and hailed him as the best shows injury he inflicted on her

A woman named Cristal has gone on TikTok to show how her “caring and attentive” boyfriend named Jordan turned into an abuser and inflicted horrific injuries on her.

She shared clips from her relationship when the going was good and showered her boyfriend with praise.

She spoke about how much he’s changed her life and how talented and smart he is.

Unfortunately, on November 24, he beat her up, leaving her with a bleeding nose and swollen eye.


She added that she has several fractures in her face and her hands and she will have to undergo facial reconstructive surgery following the attack.


Some potential causes of controlling behavior are: low self-esteem; being micromanaged or controlled by someone else; traumatic past experiences; a need to feel in control; or a need to feel ‘above’ someone else.

None of these have to do with you, the victim of inappropriate control. This is what makes a man abusive and controlling.

Abusive people believe they have the right to control and restrict their partner’s lives, often either because they believe their own feelings and needs should be the priority in the relationship, or because they enjoy exerting the power that such abuse gives them. Abuse is a learned behavior.

A victim’s reasons for staying with their abusers are extremely complex and, in most cases, are based on the reality that their abuser will follow through with the threats they have used to keep them trapped: the abuser will hurt or kill them, they will hurt or kill the kids, they will win custody of the children.

Physical abuse can cause many chronic (long lasting) health problems, including heart problems, high blood pressure, and digestive problems.

Women who are abused are also more likely to develop depression, anxiety, or eating disorders. Women who are abused may also misuse alcohol or drugs as a way to cope. This is what abuse does to a woman.

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