
Widow who was accused of killing her husband and stripped naked in Aguleri tells her own side of the story

Widow who was accused of killing her husband and stripped naked in Aguleri tells her own side of the story

The childless widow who was accused of killing of her husband through cheating and stripped naked in Aguleri has stated her own side of the story.

According to Anwulika Udanoh, the Facebook user who located her family house, she said the widow’s name is Ajuese and she told her a heartbreaking story.

The widow narrated how her ordeal played out to Anwulika Udanoh. She revealed that her husband’s family members took her phone, forced her to hand over her late husband’s ATM card and pin, immediately her husband was confirmed dead.

Anwulika Udanoh wrote:

“I finally met with Ajuese, the widow who was stripped naked by some animals in human form.

I was led to her family house, where I met her, her mother and relatives. Her story is more pathetic than I was told.

They took her phone, forced her to hand over her late husband’s ATM card and pin, immediately her husband was confirmed dead.


They probably knew that’s the account where she has all her life savings, since they use one bank account. And through her business, she makes more money than her husband who was a local musician.

After 8-9 years of childless marriage and all she got was to be stripped naked on allegation of adultery which her husband never complained of or noticed.

I will be back with full details of what happened and what Police is doing currently.

I repeat, stripping women naked is not a culture or tradition in Aguleri.

All the animals who did that to this woman, must be punished under the law and by God.”

It is unlawful for a widow to be treated in an inhuman way that diminishes her person and strips her of her dignity. Therefore, the Nigerian constitution protects the widow. “Igbo customary law has not done much to help the widows.

In Nigeria, widows often suffer a double loss: after their husbands die, the assets they should inherit are taken by their in-laws.

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