
“Stop this noise of husband needs respect and wife needs love” Simi’s mother speaks on marriage

“Stop this noise of husband needs respect and wife needs love” Simi’s mother speaks on marriage

Nigerian Singer Simi’s mother has taken to Twitter to talk about a misconception in marriage that people have peddled for years.

She told her followers to stop repeating the maxim that husbands need respect and wives need love.

She said everyone, whether male or female needs both love and respect. She then advised people to treat their spouses the way they want to be treated.

She tweeted: “Please let’s stop this noise of husband needs respect & wife needs love. Show me one human being who doesn’t need respect & love from his/her spouse. Let all couples learn to treat each other with respect & love. Don’t give your spouse what you cannot accept.”

I have always said it that all human beings deserve respect. Respect shouldn’t be reserved for men only while they keep disrespecting their women.

I had the conversation below with someone last year and I still maintain my stand that both husbands and wives deserve respect.

“Facebook guy: Men don’t care about your beauty or sex, but we care more about your attitude, brain and the way you respect yourself and your man. Women should add value to themselves, their men, families and nation at large.


Me: What if the men don’t have brain, should women date them?

Is having a good attitude only for women? Which woman wants to be with a badly behaved man?

If a man is not adding value to himself, his family and his nation, he shouldn’t expect a woman to do it for him.

Setting personal boundaries in relationships is very important because they are the basic guidelines of how you want to be treated by other people.

When you set boundaries, you will enjoy appropriate relationships that is filled with mutual respect, love, care and peace. You won’t displease yourself to please others.

Like I said above, men and women should be respected, even children too. Respect is not the exclusive right of the male gender. Let’s stop promoting nonsense.

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