
Why do women pity R. Kelly because he was sentenced to 30 years in prison?

I don’t understand the women who say they pity R.Kelly because he was sentenced to 30 years in prison for the crimes he committed against girls, boys and women but don’t pity his victims.

I don’t pay attention to the men who are going on and on about him being targeted because he’s a black guy and the ones who claim the girls, boys and women who testified against him are all liars who were paid to do so.

I don’t pay attention to the men who claim that he was seduced by these women for decades because he is a famous, talented and wealthy musician. This is what men do, make excuses for other men’s bad behaviour.

I have read many comments from men, especially Nigerian men who try to dismiss the crimes R. Kelly committed against children. He groomed girls and boys, made them perform sex acts against their will and manipulated them.

I don’t blame them. They live in a country where pedophiles are pitied while their victims are called names, dragged and blamed for getting raped. They live in a country where even police officers blame rape victims and collect money from rapists and pedophiles to close cases.

I don’t blame these men who are pitying R. Kelly because they live in a country where men who are supposed to be father figures to girls take advantage of these girls, take away their innocence, exploit them sexually and people will still call the victims names.

I don’t blame these men who are typing nonsense on social media since the singer was sentenced because they sexually molest and rape the underage house helps under their care and their wives blame the girls for seducing their innocent husbands and send the girls back home so that they won’t destroy their marriages to pedophiles.


Are some of these men drumming support for the singer not sexually molesting their own daughters and impregnating them while their wives threaten these girls to keep quiet and even take them for abortions so that they can continue their marriages.

Some of the young guys who are claiming he’s innocent are the same people who lure teenage girls to hotels to take advantage them. They will tell you that they can’t date their age mates because dem don open eye. They hunt and prey on naive underage girls so that they can sexually exploit them.

So, I ask again, why are some women pitying this singer while there are lots of victims around us they haven’t pitied? Why do you pity someone who has hurt children for decades without thinking about the consequences of his actions? Why are you expending your pity on a pedophile but you don’t pity his victims and how his actions have impacted and destroyed their lives?

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