
Dear Married Woman, Your Husband Cheating On You Is Not Part Of Marriage Ups And Downs

Dear Married Woman, Your Husband Cheating On You Is Not Part Of Marriage Ups And Downs

Dear married woman, your husband flirting with other women and cheating on you with different women is not part of marriage ups and downs.

You ladies should stop deceiving yourselves by saying that married men flirting with other women and cheating on their wives like it’s going out of fashion is part of marriage challenges. No, it’s not.

Your husband doesn’t love and respect you if he dates and shags other women. Infact, he doesn’t care about your life because most times, these men shag different women without condoms.

Marriage ups and downs include lack of money, sickness, loss of job or business failure, one of you moving to a different country or city, dealing with a sick child and dealing with infertility.

You people should stop marrying h.e.g.o.a.t.s and stop justifying their irresponsible actions with ‘it rains everywhere’ or ‘some women are going through worse things at home but keep pretending on social media.’

Treat your STDs in peace and stop justifying your decision to accept being disrespected over and over again. Stop fighting side chicks, your husbands are the ones breaking your homes. Face your oke mkpi.

It’s okay if you ladies don’t mind staying married to men who table your issues, weaknesses and failures before their side chicks.

It’s okay if you don’t bother about your husband shagging everything he sees including your friends and family members.


It’s okay if you keep making excuses for your husband who’s flirting with different women and blaming the women for seducing your innocent husbands.

It’s okay if you don’t mind sharing your husband with every woman he meets. It’s okay if you pack condoms for him whenever he’s travelling. That’s your choice.

What is not okay is telling other women to continue having unprotected sex with chronic cheats, or telling them that they are overreacting if you divorce their lying, manipulative husbands.

Again, disrespect from your spouse is not part of marriage ups and downs. If you do the same thing he’s doing, he won’t think twice about leaving you.

CheatingHusbandsMarriagesSide Chicks
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