
My fiancée forced me to open our relationship but she’s demanding we become exclusive again

My fiancée forced me to open our relationship but she’s demanding we become exclusive again

“My fiancee demanded we open the relationship earlier this year. She told me she wanted to explore a side of her and felt safe doing it with me.


I was adamantly against it, but she said she contemplated leaving me and I broke down. Like a moron, I allowed her to bully me into opening the relationship.



It’s been six months and now her tune has changed entirely. At first, she was ecstatic. She almost instantly found a guy who she hooked up with. I’m almost 100% sure she was planning on having s€x with him anyway and this was all just a way for her to do it above board.

I guess it didn’t work out though, because after a month he was gone. And as far as I’m aware, she’s not found another partner since.




At first, I planned not to try and find another partner. But, my resentment towards her and an opportunity arose, and the next thing I knew, I began to see an old friend from college who always seemed to have a crush on me.


Instantly, my fiancee changed her tune about the whole thing. She never outright told me what she thought, but I know for a fact she resented every moment I was with someone else. I could see it eating her away.


I knew it hurt her ego when I would come home from my casual fling with my friend. She never said anything though. Last week, another opportunity arose. An old coworker I’ve been talking to asked if I would be available for a fling and I said sure.

When I told fiancee about this, she broke down crying and said she wanted to close the relationship again. She said it made her feel unloved and useless to see me with another woman, and now the prospect of a second woman is destroying her inside.

She tried to use the same tactics she did before. She’s gaslighting and using emotional manipulation to try and get out of this.


Last night, she tried to bully me again into closing the relationship. I told her I would think about it but right now, this is the bed she made and she needs to learn to sleep in it. She ended up calling her mother sometime last night and I woke up to dozens of texts from her parents telling me I’m horrible.

I’m gonna call of the marriage this week and break up with her. I’m going to continue seeing my old college friend, because at least she’s not a lying manipulative b**ch.”

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