
Woman defends her husband who had s€x with her three weeks after childbirth while she was still in pains

Woman defends her husband who had s€x with her three weeks after childbirth while she was still in pains

A Twitter user has defended her husband after he was called “abusive” for having s*x with her when her tear from childbirth had not healed.

Twitter users were having a conversation about women resuming s*x after childbirth and a lot of people contributed to the conversation.

It was pointed out that 6 weeks is the ideal time frame given to women who just gave birth to abstain from s*x so they can heal properly.

However,  some women said it took them over 6 months to heal. Others said it took two months while some said they resumed bedroom activities after three months when they have properly healed down there.

Twitter Users

One Twitter user then expressed surprise that some husbands wait six weeks to have s*x with their wives.

She revealed that her husband was already having intercourse with her three weeks after child birth.

This led Twitter users to point out that her husband abused her by not waiting for the recommended six weeks to pass.


But she jumped to his defense and  insisted that she “consented” to it because he “needed” it. She added that even though she was in pains, she did it for love and told Twitter users to relax and stop accusing her husband of being abusive.

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