
“Mother Again at 56: People Tell Me I Look Like My Son’s Grandmother, But I Don’t Care”

“Mother Again at 56: People Tell Me I Look Like My Son’s Grandmother, But I Don’t Care”

At the age of 55, actress, singer, dancer, and theatrical producer Claudia said that she became pregnant naturally despite having started menopause at the age of 50.

After an unsuccessful IVF attempt using frozen eggs, Brazilian celebrity Claudia Raia announced to her 8.6 million followers that she has given birth to her son, Luca, spontaneously.

Her pregnancy was referred to be a miracle because, as she claimed, even the physicians did not think she became pregnant naturally.

“We succeeded. For our family, the world has a new hue since I gave birth. We are brimming over with joy and love! Thank you, Luca! “The ecstatic mother posted on Instagram.

Luca is her third child – she has two older children from one of her previous marriages. He is her first child with her partner. Claudia Raia said she decided to freeze her eggs at 48 but was told she had started menopause at 50.

In 2021, they decided to try for a baby via IVF, but no embryos formed, so she decided “it wasn’t supposed to be.”


Some Internet users did not hesitate to make fun of her for her appearance, telling her that she looked like her child’s grandmother and not his mother.


She then opened up about the criticism she received for getting pregnant at such an old age, advising her critics to “have more empathy.”

“There are a thousand ways to be a mother, and they have nothing to do with age. In my case, the fact that I am over 50 was a big challenge, but it is worth considering that today there are a thousand forms of family and so many other forms of motherly love.

We need to stop this frenzy of judging or putting limits on motherhood. Each person deals with this experience in a unique way.”

“Let people have children whenever and wherever they want. Let women get pregnant when they feel ready to get pregnant. Of course, it’s rare to get pregnant at that age, but it does happen.”

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