
Guinness World Record reveals reason for not yet endorsing chef Hilda Baci’s cook-a-thon

Guinness World Record reveals reason for not yet endorsing chef Hilda Baci’s cook-a-thon

“We will review Hilda Baci’s evidence before officially confirming a record” the Guinness World Record has explained after being queried for not showing or talking about chef Hilda Baci’s cook-a-thon.

Top Nigerian chef, Hilda Buci, on Monday morning broke the Guiness World Record for the longest cooking time.

The longest cooking hours was previously held by Indian Chef Lata Tondon, who cooked meals for 87 hours, 45 minutes and 00 seconds.

Baci’s first aim was to beat the 87 hours and 45 minute record previously held by Lata Tondon, which she achieved at around 7.46am on Monday morning. But she did not want to stop there and has gone on to smash the Guinness World Record, aiming to cook for more than 96 hours.

As the famous chef goes about her activities, Nigerians are still gathered around to support her.


Her live video captured people screaming to show how very proud they are of her. It should be noted that for the past four days that her cooking hackathon has unified many Nigerians for all works of life as they congregate at her cooking station.

Speaking about the cook-a-thon, the Guinness World Records wrote on social media “We are aware of this amazing record attempt, we need to review all the evidence first before officially confirming a record.”


The Guinness Book of Records, often known as the Guinness World Records, is a reference book that contains human and natural world records.

First published in 1955 by the Guinness Brewery in Ireland, it has exploded in popularity and includes a wide range of different records, such as the world’s smallest and largest, quickest and slowest, as well as the most weird and unusual accomplishments.

Individuals or groups must submit proof to the Guinness World Records team and go through a verification process to qualify for a world record listing. When a record is validated, it is put into the book and becomes an official world record.

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