
Man Claims ‘Girls’ Are Responsible For ‘Luring’ Men Into Making Bad Choices At All Stages Of Their Lives

The title of the post reads, “Observation: girls are constantly baiting guys into destroying their own futures at every point in life,” and although it was completely removed from the Reddit page itself, AskAubry was kind enough to post screenshots of it.

“Let me explain further,” he begins his post. “In high school, certain types of guys tend to be popular with girls, such as drug dealers, athletes, jocks, guys in bands, skaters, e-boys, and party animals.” Basically, anyone with a hobby (except drug dealers; we do not condone breaking the law).

He claims that these types of guys don’t have promising futures and maybe only 1% of them will end up successful, which is based on absolutely no data except for the beliefs he holds in his own mind.

He believes that men are trapped into trying to fit into any of these categories in order to be popular with women, but once women mature, they look for financially stable men and wealth. Now, men try to become wealthy in order to appease women, but don’t have “a high-income skill set” since they just spent years trying to… work out?

The crux of his argument is that “it seems like at every stage of life, girls are subtly encouraging guys to do things that may have negative long-term consequences.”

Not only is he basing his entire arguments on men existing solely to chase women, but he also bases them on what he personally believes women are after, calling them “messages” that women send men in order to fit their ideals.

“During your teens and early 20s, the message is: ‘If you party a lot, do drugs, and act like an edgy guy with no future, you’ll attract girls. But if you focus on developing a high-income skill set, you are seen as a nerd,’” he claims.


Then, he says, the message is “if you finance an expensive car and spend all your money to appear successful, you’ll attract girls. But if you save money, live within your means, and make wise investments instead of buying an expensive car, you are seen as a boring undateable brokie.”

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