
Couple ordered to rename their daughter because her name is too long

Couple ordered to rename their daughter because her name is too long

A Spanish aristocrat, Fernando Fitz-James Stuart, has been informed he’ll have to make some major edits to his child’s name if he wants her to be legally registered.

Now, it’s fairly common for many of us to have a middle name and even a double-barrel surname but this child has really taken the cake with 11 different names.

Stuart, whose official snazzy title is the 17th Duke of Huéscar, and his wife Sofía Palazuelo baptised their second child at the San Román parish in Seville earlier this month (7 October) which is where they declared the little bub’s title.

The parents baptized their daughter, who was born at the start of the year (10 January) in Madrid, with: Sofía Fernanda Dolores Cayetana Teresa Ángela de la Cruz Micaela del Santísimo Sacramento del Perpetuo Socorro de la Santísima Trinidad y de Todos Los Santos.

The Duke and Duchess will need to edit the name to either one compound name, which is a hyphenated name, or two singular ones for it to be officially accepted by the Civil Registry.

According to Spanish newspaper, El País, the child’s name was chosen to honour different members of her family tree including the deceased Duchess of Alba.

The publication reported that the infant’s first name, Sofía, was chosen as a tribute to her mother and grandmother, with the second, Fernanda, as an ode to her father and great-uncle Fernando Martínez of Irujo, Marquis of San Vicente del Barco.

It added: “The girl will not be able to be registered in the Civil Registry with a string of names that surpass all rules, even though it is a tribute to the deceased Duchess of Alba and other members of the family and includes religious devotions.”

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